Thursday, September 14, 2017

Learning Challenge: Being Busy Kills Creativity

Being Busy Is Killing Our Ability to Think Creatively

You need to take time out of your day to relax/meditate. The benefits described in this article are that it allows you to have that time to think creatively and daydream which is important to a healthy mind. What I learned from this article was that being busy diminishes your ability to be creative. This really makes sense. When I am busy, I can only think of what I have to do and what I want to do, I do not really have time to think and ponder on question or reflect on my day, let alone be creative. One thing I am now curious about is all the ways you can unplug from the world and just take some "me time." I plan to look up different ways to divert your attention when having a busy day.
(Funny Cat Meme about daydreaming: Web Source)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aubryelle! I stumbled on this article as well while doing this challenge and gave it a read. Never know that daydreaming can help to get a healthy mind! But yes, it makes sense that when your day are filled with tasks, you barely have time to think of anything else beside work and work! Therefore, I sometimes take a break from school works to do yoga and meditation! These help me relax and feel more peaceful.
