Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Time Strategies

Time Strategies: Time is and always will be a problem. For me coming to college and realizing that I had no one to physically make me do things was a big eye opener. Freshman year, I watched a little bit too much Netflix and definitely studied way less than what I should have. However, over the last few semesters here at OU, I have mastered the art of knowing how much time I need to learn things, as well as how much time it takes me to do certain things. I also have learned to put time aside to do my school work, even when I am busy. I feel like overall I am pretty good at managing my time, however I do procrastinate every now and again, which really adds extra stress on me and hurts my grade for not putting in my full effort. The two articles I read were: Realistic Study Plans and How to Beat Procrastination. For me a big problem has been making a study plan that is unrealistic, meaning I would put pressure on myself to study too much. This caused me to be more stressed and anxious, because I was so disappointed in myself that I could not complete my plan. This article helped me to see that actually writing out my day would help allow me to see how many hours I have time to study a day and to use that time wisely instead of feeling like I have to study constantly. The procrastination article helped give me tips to overcome procrastination, such as telling people I am going to do a certain task and imagining how I will feel once that task is completed. This semester, I plan to write out a daily study plan and study for each class at least one hour a day (outside of doing homework), as well as attend action tutoring each week. I feel like this goal will allow me to attain the grades I want and will help me to avoid procrastination.
(Sweet Procrastination: TheThings.com)

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