Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Reading Notes: Origins and Beauty and the Basilisk

  • This story is about the origin of the moon. It tells two different stories: The "man and the moon" and the "rabbit and the moon."
    • The Man and the Moon:
      • Characters: Blacksmith, Wise man, Stone-cutter
      • In this story the Blacksmith did not like who he was so he wished to be something else. This continued throughout the story. The blacksmith would wish he was something else, so the wise man kept saying then be it and so he was. Eventually the wise man grew weary of the blacksmith never being happy and when he requested he return to being a blacksmith, the wise man told him, "you wanted to be the moon; the moon you are, and it you will remain."
    • The Hare that was not Afraid to Die:
      • Characters: Hare (Buddha to-be)(offered his own flesh to beggars), Jackal (stole from a lizard a pot of milk curd), Otter (stole fish from the fisherman), Monkey (gathered his own mangoes), and Sakka (the king of the gods who came in disguise of a brahmin to test the hare)
      • This story was about a selfless Hare that was willing to sacrifice himself for the benefit of others, when the Hare proved his true nature, unknowingly, to Sakka, Sakka was pleased and dabbed signs of the Hare on the moon.
      • (Picture of the Hare on the Moon that the author used in the story: Pixabay; Rabbit in the Moon)
  • Characters: Mother, three daughters, basilisk
  • This story is much like Beauty and the Beast with a few differences. In Beauty and the Beast, Belle was survived by her father and she was an only child, since her mother died of plague shortly after she was born. Also, the father found his way to the castle through a storm/wolf encounter and when the Beast caught him for trying to pick roses, captured him and it was Belle who offered herself to be a prisoner rather than her father. In this version the mother wondered upon the castle and when picking a flower, the Basilisk demanded her daughter and she readily gave her up. Also, in this version, beauty's name is Mary and the beast is a basilisk. Another difference is that there was no rose with falling petals serving as a time limit or mention of a curse, however to turn the prince back into a prince, Mary had to cut his head off not once, but twice. The ending was the same as Beauty and the Beast, Mary and the Prince marry in a big celebration.

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