Monday, October 9, 2017

Week 8 Progress

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(Daily Motivation: Pinterest)
I am very happy with my progress so far. I like how we are able to get ahead in this class. I know that if I would not have utilized this feature earlier in the semester, I would not be happy with my progress. Over the last few weeks, with midterms in full swing, I have definitely slacked on the extra credit assignments. I plan to try and get ahead throughout this week and over the weekend, as I have a very busy next few weeks. I definitely need to try and stick with my original schedule of getting everything done early in the week, because as the week goes on I find myself procrastinating more and more. The out of my schedule thing started when testing started, as my big exams are typically on Wednesday, so I just focus on studying on those days. On the weeks I have tests, I typically try and do Tuesday and Wednesday's assignment on Sunday, but this does not always go as planned. My favorite assignment each week is the readings. I really enjoy getting to read all kinds of different stories and make connections to what they may resemble in today's time. For the rest of the semester I really need to stick to my schedule and be sure I am doing at least a couple of extra credit assignments each week. I also need to make sure that I am not putting anything off to the end of the week. This causes me to rush, therefore my best work is not presented.

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