Monday, August 21, 2017

My Favorite Place, Maui, HI

Maui, Hawaii. In the winter of 2012, my family and I took a vacation to Maui. Ever since that trip, Maui has been one of my favorite places. From the vast mountains with tight winding roads, to the beautiful sandy beaches, a diverse community of sea creatures, and even an old volcano, Maui does not disappoint. If you have never been, it is definitely a place worth visiting.

While visiting Maui, I was fortunate enough to visit the red sand beach. It was absolutely stunning. Pictures offer no justice to this magnificent spot, with clear, kool-aid blue water contrasting against the deep red sand, the true beauty of this place cannot be captured by words or pictures.
(Red Sand Beach Maui, HI: Hawaii-Guide )

The journey to the red sand beach offered to be worrisome, as we had to climb into the mountains on a very narrow, cliff dangling road known as Hana Highway. While the journey was beautiful and truly showed all the aspects that Maui had to offer, from the many waterfalls and swimming holes, to the unbelievable rainbow eucalyptus trees, I can say that the narrow roads and cliffs were well worth the journey.
(Hana Highway Maui, HI: Traveling Boy)

The beautiful rainbow eucalyptus trees on Hana Highway.
( Rainbow Eucalyptus Trees of Maui, Photo by Valley Isle: Tour Maui)

1 comment:

  1. I was so excited to see a Hawaii post, Aubryelle! I lived in Hawaii for my freshman year of high school, and it was unforgettable. Those pictures are beautiful! Maybe you will want to do a Hawaii project for this class! There are a lot of Hawaiian myth and legend books online: stories from Hawaii
